A little about my current healing journey

Wherever you go, there you are. And wherever you go, your healing goes too.

Just sharing a little about my own liver enzymes healing 🤍

I believe in western medicine … I have a metal knee, metal in my wrist, metal in 2 toes… But 2 years ago, when my blood panel showed all beautiful green numbers except one loud area with an issue, I was not going back into my old rabbit hole with extra doctors & steps & meds, and then further “referral issues” popping up in other parts of my health.

Alongside my shaman, who is a medical intuitive, I went very purposefully and self lovingly into mentally, emotionally, somatically, energetically, physically healing this very clear issue … Which was largely energetic although now had manifested in the physical.


The protocol I have been doing shifted several times over the couple past years.

For example, beet root powder amounts increased, decreased, paused, came back in, tapered, released … Similar with other powerful mother nature healing tools I’ve been using.


And because, wherever you go, there you are …  Wherever I went these past 2 years, my healing went too 🤍

I don’t roll with “I was good about it til my vacation” … That’s not healing on purpose, self loving, self caring …


🤍 Go on trips to incredible conferences, and continue your healing there

🤍 Go to the mountains all summer, and continue your healing there

🤍 Go to family for Thanksgiving, and continue your healing there.

Wherever you go, there you are. And wherever you go, your healing goes too 🤍


The numbers are now in the high-safe range … I am so relieved and so proud 🙏🏼

I will continue purposefully healing now until they are in a great middle range of the “healthy spectrum” for a good chunk of time. And then I will celebrate as I taper off of this healing protocol!


Will it be another year or 3? Probably. And that’s ok 🙏🏼

I love myself enough to fully heal.

And so it is.

🤍 And … so can you.