Eating is a spiritual act⁣.

Eating is a spiritual act⁣.

Eating can be spiritual, as in “holy crap, that meal was a religious experience”…⁣

⁣It can also be spiritual in the simple fact that what food / drinks / supplements you put in your 1 body, your 1 vessel that holds your soul / spirit in this lifetime (or vice versa, but that’s for a different conversation!) actually needs to be on purpose, mindfully chosen, to align with your highest energy, highest healthy digestion, highest emotional state, highest  mental clarity & productivity, highest physical athletic goals & capabilities, so that you stop surviving and start thriving!⁣

Have you ever thought of food like that?⁣

Does that resonate with you?⁣

Nothing has to be super complicated, ever!⁣

If you want to have a fancy, “religious experience” meal that you mindfully enjoy and ingest for your overall benefit, excellent!⁣

⁣If you have to run out the door to pick up your kids, you’re a little bit late, and the schedule is super tight, you can still grab & go foods that align with your greatest good, best energy level, best productivity, best mood, etc!⁣

This is a really simple concept, basically just a shift in how you think & feel about yourself, and what you choose to eat & do all day long …⁣

A silent 1 second, internal perspective shift that needs to be practiced every moment of every day on purpose 🤍 there’s no huge time commitment … Other than the rest of your life haha⁣

I did not treat my body with this kind of respect for a long time. I was trying to control my awful feelings, weight, health issues, toxic relationships, by dieting, controlling / restricting my food, & I used exercise in the same way … To control my food, my life, and everything else 😓⁣

Taking self-worth to the level where self-love & ascension also includes seeing eating as a spiritual act, and feeding my spirit as well as my body, I can’t even express the transformations & changes in my life …

I meditate better because I have cleaned up my eating & my internal space, I sleep better, I work more efficiently, all of my relationships are better … It’s all connected & everything is better!⁣

🤍 Has this thought crossed your mind? ⁣

How do you feel about this?


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