Crisis mode is a habit.


Finding yourself always “helping” people handle their crises is part of that habit … A reinforcement.


And then the constant scramble …

And “this” pops up, or this falls through, or your car breaks go out, or …


YOU are lining this up with your frequency … the emotions (energy in motion) that we frequent be-come our frequency.

So … crisis mode attracts crisis mode.

Like attracts like.


Pause, soften breathe, have some water, and OBSERVE

… Observe what you are in, surrounded with, & seemingly “piled upon” with … and notice, soften, be gentle … and CHOOSE

“I am taking aligned action AND all is well …”

Practice a NEW internal frequency or base “tone”.


RELEASE, permit, allow others THEIR stuff (that’s theirs … that’s not yours).

Love them, allow them to live their lives how THEY choose … through “peace” or crisis.


And choose internally for YOU how you decide and commit to living … for YOURSELF.


If things need to be handled, you can handle them in the patterned, habitual crisis stress mode


You can handle them in the most centered, aligned way available to you at that time (which will increase as you practice this).


Shit happens

We simply choose what aligned action to take

And ✔️


… Crisis mode is a choice, a habit, and convenient.


It’s a lot easier to freak out than allow your car issues to simply be that … and then release it to Honda to repair

And go along your merry way in appreciation & gratitude for them having fixed it

… Appreciation & gratitude for you exchanging energy through money (value for value), and then feeling elated to be driving safely.


And by choosing that energy, thus attracting fewer “crises” and more “experiences” to move through, exactly how you choose …

As captain of your ship 🤍


Share this if you can relate.