Feeling ready to eat better?

Join the free Real Food Reset and start seeing noticeable results in your life!

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Your personal health, weight, fitness, work, family, & life goals ARE attainable!

I want to help you transform your life … I want to help you transform your life inside and out, like mine has! This happened for me when I started tuning into my natural mind-body connection that is innate in all of us. You CAN create a balance in your life!

Together we will find what foods help balance all aspects of YOUR body. We will work together step by step to shift how you nourish & fuel your body by including more & more real, whole foods, finding how best you can fit in regular physical activity to support you mentally, physically, & emotionally, and also work together to help you reconnect with your natural intuition – to start to release any limiting beliefs you may have, alleviate stress, find your innate state of calm & ease, and begin to really connect the full circle that creates a balance in your entire life.

The results I have achieved by committing to myself have brought me the best health of my life so far, the weight I feel best at, and inner peace that I never thought was possible for me. I also now have tools for when being human comes largely into play, and I need to bring myself back into peace. It’s incredible to stand in the power of inner peace within all of life’s situations. I want to help you begin to transform all areas of your life and start living a life more & more on purpose!

Listen to my interview with Christopher Witecki

This was so much fun!

Christopher Witecki is the creator of Sirius Joy, the step system to astrology, and hosts the weekly free Namaste Today on YouTube, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, and his Sirius Joy app. 

I was a guest on the Astral Mingle portion of his show talking all about holistic nutrition, intuitive eating, label reading, and how food is directly connected to everything in your life 🤍

Hear my interview starting at 1:55!

I used to be the one who instigated bouncing to the bars that had the latest last call … then to the pizza place that stayed open til 4am to soak up all the alcohol.

And then, the next day, I would get up and run 10 miles before playing a matinee concert.đź« 

I had a destructive relationship with food, exercise, myself, and life in general.

I used to think that if I restricted calories to under 1200 a day, or ate fat-free, or no carbs, or processed-packaged-organic vegan frozen food, or ran 50+ miles a week, that somehow my life would start feeling better.

I used exercise as punishment for what I ate, or as permission to eat.

I thought that if I did all those things, my relationships would improve, I would look a certain way, and not feel constantly stressed, never enough, and always sad.

I have been there with disordered eating, digestive issues, eating my way through fad diets, dealing with awful allergies, feeling physically, mentally, emotionally pretty crappy the majority of the time ... and continually searching for answers and fixes outside of myself.

What I learned is that by going inside, becoming more & more deeply aware / conscious / mindful every moment of every day ... from my own studies & through shamanic practices ... everything starts to shift for the better.

What had to shift for me was everything about how I lived.

And now, I can say that I’ve figured out (not the easy way) How To Live.

That includes all I eat, my relationship with food, my relationship with myself, how I exercise, how I choose to move through stressful situations, how I relate to everyone & everything … literally every single thing.

It’s all internal.

And then reflects directly into the external.

I didn’t reach and exceed my health & weight goals until I shifted into basing my self trust, self worth, & inner value on my heart … actually sensing, feeling, & knowing who I am … that’s where the shift happened for me. learning to hear my highest self, how to listen to my intuition, always living & making decisions from that space.

That’s the place where your eating, weight, relationships, & life can start to really heal … because it’s all connected!


1:1 Clean Up Your Eating, Heal Your Life Health Coaching Program

Imagine having the FULL support of a Health Coach, in a program that is completely personalized for you!
During your tailored program, we will walk together side by side, step by step to create transformations in both your outer & inner worlds, and put you on the path toward your ideal health.
By the time we're done you'll...
  • have confidence in your food choices & feel more secure in your body
  •  be more mindful, present & in tune with your body's intuitive eating, so that you no longer go into the sugar at 9pm
  • be well on your way to your weight & health goals
  • feel more physically balanced, more overall life balance, less stress & overwhelm, so that you can respond to situations from a place of power instead of simply knee jerk reacting

Hear about Heather's experience with 1:1 coaching!


1:1 Client Testimonials


Taking a second to gush about my nutritionist and wellness coach, Meghan Jones!! These two photos are about 16 months apart. I’m mentally ok in both. In the image on the left, I felt like I was struggling so much more with my energy levels and mental clarity. I had to force smiles out because I was just exhausted all the time. And I LOVE to smile! Fast forward to this past March, I began a beautiful, uplifting, supportive, and inspiring relationship with Meghan, who’s helped me gain a much better understanding of my body, mind, soul, and their needs. Choosing to invest in myself wasn’t a matter of losing weight or looking better. It was about FEELING better, stronger, happier, and able to make food work for me (not the other way around). To anyone out there teetering back and forth between investing in your overall well-being or pushing through your lethargy, I highly encourage you to reach out to Meghan, even if it’s just an initial consultation. And all of my work with her has been virtual, so reach out even if you’re on the other side of the planet! Meghan, thank you for giving me myself back!


This program helped me become more mindful around my food choices by helping me understand portion sizes and learning how to read food packaging labels. The pantry session was a huge game changer! For years my weight wouldn’t budge no matter what diet I tried. Meghan helped me to realize it’s not just about the food. She helped me unpack all the emotional baggage I was holding onto that was preventing me from losing the weight. Her program is a full mind and body approach that works!

My life has completely shifted. As I released the things that were no longer serving me with Meghan’s help, I was able to shed the weight and create a sustainable lifestyle that makes me feel great!

Meghan is so supportive and passionate about helping you become the best version of you! 

I would recommend Meghan to anyone ready to create a lifestyle that truly supports you in becoming the best version of you on the inside and out!

"It has been incredible and life changing in the best way to work with you. Comparing who I am now versus who I was when I started, I feel like I don’t even recognize who I used to be, in a good way! I love who I have become since beginning my journey with you. I feel like every part of my journey with you happened for a reason. It was what I needed when I needed it. The breath work sessions that you’ve recently started doing are absolutely amazing and so powerful. I would’ve loved to do more of those earlier in my sessions.”


I have done a one month 1:1 intensive, several breathwork sessions, a personal training package, the decluttering and spring cleaning group on Facebook, the plant-based eating group on Facebook, and the summer reset session with Meghan. I delight in her social media posts, which lift me up every day. Every step with her is another step towards being more fully and joyfully in my own body, celebrating what my strong, capable body can do rather than punishing it for a stupid number on the scale. I feel like I have been able to release metric tons of mental, emotional, and spiritual weight that is slowly manifesting itself physically. I can’t even adequately describe how freeing, energizing, and calming that is.

I still marvel that there is someone like Meghan, swimming upstream in the diet culture we live in that wants to sell you crap, just living her truth and loving her body and wanting to help other people live and love theirs. I am profoundly grateful that I know her, and that I have her in my life.

Read More Testimonials

Let's have a free discovery call together!

Schedule your 30 minutes

Guilt-Free Eating Online Course

A self-propelled, sustainable method to clean up your life with food & mindfulness

This is for you if you feel ready to shift from no control over food into healthier habits, are open & willing to tap into yourself & start practicing mindfulness around food, and are ready to start feeling confident with your food choices & your body, stop feeling decision fatigue around what to eat, and start feeling empowered about your health!


Little (or big!) Life Changes

More fun, individual sessions to gently shift & brighten your life, one little change at a time.

  • Single Coaching Session
  • Somatic Breathwork Session
  • Personal Training Session
  • Pantry & Fridge Session
  • How To Meditate In 10 Days Mini-Course
  • VIP Days (Online or In Person)

Did you know that I've published a book?

It's called 30 Little Thoughts ...

And it’s a collection of thoughts about topics and ideas … little things to think about to make every day brighter!

Do you need more balance in your life?

More alignment, more pauses to respond instead of just reacting, more little bursts of joy?


Join my email list!

 My emails are to the point, about 1 topic, whether an easy, delicious, healthy recipe to try, a thought to make you pause & perhaps shift perspectives, or something fun I'm offering that might feel really beneficial to you!

I intend on these being some of the emails you really look forward to receiving ... not too many ... but enough to brighten your days and know it is very important that you are here in this lifetime 🤍

Your information will not be shared.

Blogs & Recipes

Little habits that helped me lower my overall stress

No more decision fatigue around food 👏🏼

Healthy Blondies

No machine would run on the wrong fuel forever.

Read More Blogs
More Delicious Recipes

  Come hang out with me on Instagram!



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